Melons in Tunisia
As the weather warms up and allows growers to change out of greenhouse melon production, Tunisian open field growers are starting to harvest and ship their melons and watermelons to Europe. With an early start, Tunisian melons and watermelons offer an early season alternative for a European market still waiting for continental supplies to arrive
Annual melon production for Tunisia is around 460,000 tons on 25,000 hectares of land, making melons the second biggest crop in the country. Most of the country's exports go to Italy, with 5,651 tons of melons shipped there last year; and with Algeria and France following closely behind. Total exports reached 18,000 tons last year. While the same varieties which are grown in Europe are harvested in Tunisia, Frikha said that Tunisian growers can get into the European market because of their early season.
The Health Benefits of Melons
The high content of carotenoids in melon fruit can prevent cancer and lower the risk of lung cancer. Regular consumption of this fruit is effective in preventing and killing the cancer seeds that invade your body. So incorporate melons in your diet to prevent this deadly disease.
The excellent diuretic properties of melon are beneficial in curing kidney disease. The combination of melon and lemon is effective in curing gout. Thus, regular consumption of melons every day in the morning helps in maintaining kidney health.
Like most other fruits, melons are ideal for weight loss. These fruits are low in sodium and calories as well as fat and cholesterol free. The high water content can keep you full for longer while the natural sweetness curbs your cravings for sugary foods and high calorie sweets. Watermelon, in particular, is great for weight loss with a whole cup providing just 48 calories.
Healthy hair enhances your appearance to a great extent. Just like the rest of the body, hair health also depends upon the nutrients that we provide to our hair follicles for their growth. Consuming fruits rich in vitamins and minerals can promote hair growth and prevent hair problems. Melons can be beneficial for your hair in the following ways.